srijeda, 8. travnja 2015.

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Secret Zagreb Walks!

Secret Zagreb Walks is company that offers unusual guided tours through Zagreb.
If you like horror stories, ghost stories, witches, secret and ocult societies, killers, strange and weird customs... No? Oh, nevermind. You certainly love dragons, gryphons and other monsters. No? And what about 19th century? Do you want to know how citizens of Zagreb future would look like? How did Zagreb looked like in Victorian times? Crackpot inventors, genious and skillful artisans... Steampunk is not your cup of tea? Oh, you come to Zagreb in November, your favourite season is winter and book is A Christmas Carol by Dickens! Whatever you like of these things, you can find them in guided tours offered by Secret Zagreb Walks.
Today is Secret Zagreb Walks' second birthday and throughout this week they offer discounted coupon for private guided tours of Zagreb (1-4 persons). Birthday coupons are valid for a year - until the next birthday.
For more info you can contact Secret Zagreb Walks at this link.

Sretan rođendan!

Sretan rođendan, Secret Zagreb Walks!

Secret Zagreb Walks je tvrtka koja nudi neuobičajene turističke obilaske Zagreba. Volite hororce, priče o duhovima, ubojstvima, vješticama, okultnim društvima i čudnim običajima? A zmajeve, grifone i ostala čudovišta? Onda nešto modernije? Recimo... Kako su Zagrepčani zamišljali budućnost u 19. st., luckasti izumitelji, vrsni majstori? Steampunk? Dolazite u Zagreb u Studenom? Zima vam je najdraže godišnje doba, a najdraža knjiga Dickensova Božićna Priča? Što god od toga vam se sviđa, baš takve obilaske nudi Secret Zagreb Walks.
Povodom svog drugog rođendana nude popust na kupon za privatni razgled Zagreba (1-4 osobe). Ne, ne morate odmah dogovoriti obilazak - kupon vrijedi do sljedećeg rođendana.
Za više informacija možete škljocnuti mišem na ovaj link, ili kontaktirati direktno Secret Zagreb Walks ovim linkom.

utorak, 24. ožujka 2015.

Game of Thrones and Croatia

Devon Soltendieck appears in beautiful video about Dubrovnik and Split being hosts to TV show Game of Thrones. Now, for the fifth season of Game of Thrones, there are even more places that served as locations from the Game of Thrones world.
Enjoy the video.
Oh, and think about it: donuts as appetizers.
P. S.
Check out Devon's profile picture on Twitter. Guess where in Seven Kingdoms is he